Discover the Next-Gen Xbox Devkit Certified in Korea

Discover the Next-Gen Xbox Devkit Certified in Korea

A fresh rumor has surfaced indicating that developers in South Korea are currently putting the next Xbox console through its paces.

This intel initially caught the attention of an Xbox enthusiast, known as Xbox News for Koreans, who stumbled upon a certification issued to Microsoft by Korea’s national regulatory body, RRA (Radio Research Agency), earlier today. The RRA oversees the quality certification of radio and communication devices, including gaming consoles.

The newly issued certificate identifies the device as the XDK Console, which stands for Xbox Development Kit. A Development Kit, or devkit, is a kit comprising hardware and/or software designed for development and testing purposes. Notably, the Xbox Series X|S devkit certificate from 2020 bore the same device name.

Furthermore, the certification specifies Microsoft as the manufacturer, with manufacturing locations noted as China and Vietnam. It's worth noting that China serves as the primary manufacturing hub for most Xbox consoles.

This development potentially hints at the arrival of a new Xbox console. However, there remains speculation as to whether it will be the next-generation Xbox console, the rumored all-digital Series X, or perhaps even the highly anticipated Xbox handheld.

It's essential to temper our expectations, though. Microsoft recently acknowledged its ambitions for achieving significant technical advancements with their next-generation gaming hardware. Considering the historical release gap of around 7-8 years between the last three generations of Xbox consoles, we may still be a couple of years away from the debut of the next-generation Microsoft console.

Nonetheless, what's intriguing is that the RRA certification for the Series X|S arrived merely five months before the official release of the console in Korea. While there exists a slim, VERY SLIM chance of a new Xbox console launching within just a few months, it's prudent to exercise caution until an official announcement is made.

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